Saturday, July 17, 2010

Treats in the Yard

I just found this photo of me at my grandparent's house. My grandmother took this picture back in October of 1992 after we picked pears from the tree in the back yard! I just had to post it! I was only eight years old here. I can still distinctly smell and taste those delicious pears, which I haven't tasted in commercially sold pears since. Maybe one day I'll have my own pear tree just like Nonna's where I can watch them grow and bee pollinated by insects!


Eva Marie Sutter said...

My heart just went pitter-patter. This was such a fun period! Such the Keekles Lion 10 in this picture. LOVE YOU!!!

Luke Leger said...

No other pears compare! I love the picture.

Eva Marie Sutter said...

This was the year we moved to Russiaville