Here is one of them ... alongside a pretty cluster of Argyranthemum Danas ...
Another Delphinium in a different style! I adore the blueness.
Assortment including Verbenas, Bacopa, Vinca, Sweet Alyssum, and light pink Delphinium in the back.
The light pink Delphinium up close!
Hanging Petunias, with a few pansies down below!
Delphiniums with the flash on!
My flash wasn't on for this one, but I like it all the same.
Mom was right: you are working miracles in the garden! This looks paradisaical. Nice choices! I appreciate the photos and request more! Kudos in the memo.
It's my favorite kind of shopping. Thank goodness I also enjoy planting them. I'm glad you approve and can't wait for you to dig in the dirt with me!
delphiniums suck! ha - kidding. my favorite flower is the pansy. my favorite smelling flower is the paperwhite. mmmmmmmm....can you smell it?
I showed your photos here to Daniel and he really appreciated them. What in the world is up with the white purple and blue combo that kept me staring, no, leering like a weirdo at that last photo?
Delphinium is my all time favorite too, Katie. Wow! Your garden is amazing, really really beautful - you must be so proud! What a brilliant gardener you are! Fabulos!
very nice post, katie. speaking of flowers, check out this post from my blog:
maybe you can help identify some of these flowers. i think there's a delphium, delphi...whatever it's called somewhere in my pictures.
Delphiniums are like fairy gowns to me, a favorite! Your garden is lovely, full of life and love!
oh your garden is so pretty!! After the big storm yesterday, our tallest Delphinium (sky blue) was bent to the ground :( it snapped from the root ball. We only had 3 and now down to 2! But your garden inspires me to plant even more!
enjoy the weekend :)
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