The magic of this extraordinary occurrence I'm about to reveal calls for some Satie...Thibaudet on Satie at that! (the truest kind) explain...
I've been practicing lucid dreaming much more lately and have already had quite a few significant things happen to me. But this one is totally awesome.
The other night I was dreaming on the Astral Plane maybe (?) and found someone very interesting. I didn't catch his name, but we hung out and I watched him and his friends practice teleportation in the park. It was great fun to witness, I'll go into more detail on that later on...
So, tonight after work I ate dinner with family and then sat down to browse YouTube by searching "lucid dreaming" and what did I find? Well, let's just say I found someone!
I watched his video post and my ears were quite delighted and freakishly exhilarated to hear him say that a few people have 'seen' him in dreams. He considered that it was possibly 'day residue', from having watched his videos they were more likely to see him in a dream. But, he explained that there was an exception to this when a gentleman in Australia wrote to him stating that he'd never before watched his videos: that the dream took place first. Just like in my case!
Well, I have written to this guy, and we'll see what he writes back. I REALLY can't wait to see how my dream journal and his dream journal correlate for the night of January 5th...because I was there damn it, and he was too!
Green Chili Chicken Noodle Soup
3 days ago
I have lucid dreams every once in a very blue moon. At first they were harmless, I found myself doing surprising things with the lack of limitations or social standards I normally abide by...
That moment when you realize "This is a dream!" is amazing!
The past 3 or 4 years my lucid dreams became very scary...
I would have the normal full awareness of my dream, but the inability to control the environment and characters in it. Instead of being in a harmless laundry mat, found myself surrounded by gangsters that were after me, etc....
I wish they were still fun for me =/
The worst is when I am in severe danger, and I can't wake myself up in my dream. It's horrible.
Sorry to be a wet blanket, lol
happy dreaming!!
Hey, don't worry about it...I totally understand where you're coming from. I have had tremendously frightening experiences including sleep-body paralysis and hallucinations. The inability to resolve issues like this can be overcome. I have done it. It takes the will and drive and WANT to confront these dark forces. I have dealt with a lot of these dark things since childhood. I think that's what acted as the catalyst to me being able to control my dreams at such a young age.
If you can relax within these frightening moments and reassure yourself you're going to be ok, then you can take the next step and ask the 'gangsters' what they want. Try to talk to them and relate to them in any way you can. Ask them "what do you have to teach me?". A lot of times, freakish ghouls have transformed into light beings for me. Pretty interesting stuff.
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