This photograph that my mom found at an antique store a few weeks ago looks innocent enough. A family holding twin boys, awaiting the arrival of the town train perhaps to venture to the city for a weekend of shopping. But when ye flip the photograph over, there's another 'side' to the story!

Handwritten is the word that says so much and yet so little. "Evidence"
What do you think is happening here? Is someone cheating on someone's husband, are these people stealing babies?
I'd like to propose a threory:
I fear that man may be involved.
That's right. THAT man. The one in Vancouver.
more will be revealed.
Now I think they are guilty of crimes against fashion!
Oh this is really intriguing. I got goosebumps
Katie, just wondering if you should take a plane out to California? I want to remind you of how long of a drive it is to get out there. Will you be staying in hotels/motels at a halfway point? I know, I know, I'm being the annoying big sister, but I have to look out for you since mom and dad are 'on other planets.' Poop! Sweet Pickles....:)
Maybe this is "evidence" that you should take the train to California.
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